How the Governing Body Operates

The Governing Body is made up of: parent governors, staff governors, co-opted governors, and the Headteacher. They meet formally six times a year, in addition to visiting the school through out the academic year to meet staff and students and to undertake Learning Walks around the school.

Mission statement

To learn and achieve in a supportive environment.

Vision statement

To be a happy, caring and excellent school community where pride and the high expectations of students, staff and parents result in the full achievement of individual potential.

Areas of Focus for Governor Meetings

School and Community

This consists of two areas of interest, firstly, the non-academic activities within the school including issues such as admissions, child protection, behaviour, pastoral care and outside activities; secondly, to look at the way the school operates in the wider community. Representatives from the 6th form and/or the School Council bring student issues to the meetings on an ad hoc basis and governors sometimes ask for feedback on specific issues.


Governors oversee the school curriculum and academic achievement. They are consulted over changes in provision such as the introduction of new courses and the monitoring of year 10 and 12 options. Regular faculty/subject reviews form a part of their agenda as does the provision for children with Special Educational Needs. They also scrutinise the examination results and other available data.


As part of the Athelstan Trust, the Directors of the Trust are the employers of all members of staff, except for the caretaking, cleaning and catering staff who are employed by our PFI partners. Staffing issues are brought before local governors including government-initiated changes in staff contracts and pensions arrangements as well as internal issues such as restructuring, keeping abreast of staff issues e.g. maternity leave, sickness, etc.

Finance and Facilities

Governors monitor the budget and they are also consulted over major changes in school policy and the school’s short and long term plans.